Butterfly Chrysalis

Different species of butterflies have different types and colors Chrysalises/Pupae. Here are the pictures of Chrysalis of 12 different species of butterflies including painted lady, common castor, common leopard, grass yellow, plain tiger, bath white, large cabbage white, common emigrant, blue pansy, danaid eggfly and striped pierrot respectively. Some people use the term cocoon wrongly for the butterfly pupa. A cocoon is a casing spun of silk by many moth caterpillars and numerous other holometabolous insect larvae as a protective covering for the pupa.

Butterfly Chrysalis
Butterfly Cocoon
Butterfly Cocoon
Butterfly Cocoon
Butterfly Chrysalis
Butterfly Chrysalis
Butterfly Chrysalis
Butterfly Chrysalis
Butterfly Chrysalis
Butterfly Chrysalis
Butterfly Chrysalis
Butterfly Chrysalis
Butterfly Chrysalis

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